About Us

About Us

Timber DiaLog was conceived by four friends from the timber industry, Nick Hewson, Jeremy Church, Tyson Infanti and Nathan Benbow. We have been passionate advocates for more timber buildings and formed an informal group to support each other in our work and trying to better push the timber industry forward. We believed that there was a wider need for this sort of network across the timber industry to better help the industry grow, and only by sharing knowledge, information and lessons learned to a wider audience can we hope to make the impact which is sorely needed on the construction industry.

The idea for Timber DiaLog was born from our discussions and a desire to actively try to address the challenges we saw from the front line of timber buildings. We recognise the importance of connecting passionate people with the right experience together to smooth the pathway to wider adoption of timber. We believe that developing more timber buildings is one of the most effective ways to  combat climate change, utilising the stored carbon in timber structures to offset other carbon intensive industry.

We welcome anyone passionate to the organisation and if you want to get in touch with us and volunteer to be a part of the organisation then please get in touch with us at timberdialog@gmail.com

Timber DiaLog Charter 

Mission Statement: 

Timber DiaLog is committed to fostering knowledge sharing, collaboration, and innovation within the field of timber buildings. We aim to address timber-related challenges, promote sustainable timber use, and contribute to the advancement of timber as a construction material. 


Knowledge Exchange: Facilitate open discussions and information sharing on timber-related topics, including but not limited to design, construction, sustainability, and technology. 

Problem Solving: Collaboratively identify and explore challenges and opportunities within the timber building domain, seeking practical solutions and best practices. 

Sustainability: Promote sustainable timber usage by discussing eco-friendly practices, certifications, and the responsible sourcing of timber materials. 

Education: Provide educational resources and promote learning opportunities for members to stay updated on the latest developments in timber engineering. 

Innovation: Encourage the development of innovative approaches, materials, and technologies in timber engineering through knowledge exchange and research collaborations. 


Timber DiaLog will be led by a steering committee consisting of; 

The committee will be responsible for organizing meetings, and ensuring the group’s objectives are met. 


Membership in Timber DiaLog is free and open to all engineers, architects, researchers, and professionals with an interest in timber engineering. Members are expected to actively participate in discussions and contribute to the group’s objectives. 

Code of Conduct: 

Members are expected to maintain a respectful and professional demeanour during discussions, respecting differing viewpoints and fostering a supportive environment for knowledge sharing. 

Conflict of Interest and Anti-Competitive Behaviour: 

Members are required to declare any potential conflicts of interest that may arise from their participation in Timber DiaLog. This includes but is not limited to, financial interests, business affiliations, or personal relationships that could influence their contributions to the group. 

Anti-competitive behaviour, such as collusion, price-fixing, or any actions that may stifle fair competition within the timber industry, will not be tolerated within Timber DiaLog. Members are expected to adhere to all relevant laws and regulations related to fair competition and antitrust. 


Regular meetings will be held monthly virtually, to discuss timber-related issues, share insights, and collaborate on challenges or topics of interest. Where appropriate, meeting agendas and minutes will be distributed to all members for the leadership team.  

Information Sharing / Storage: 

Timber DiaLog will utilize a Timber DiaLog Teams account for information storage and collaboration. All members will have access to this account to share documents, and resources, and collaborate on projects. Members are responsible for ensuring the confidentiality and security of the information shared within the Teams account.  


This charter may be amended with the approval of the majority of the leadership group. Proposed amendments should be submitted in writing and discussed during a regular meeting. 


In the event of Timber DiaLog’s dissolution, any remaining assets will be donated to a timber-related organization or cause as determined by the steering committee. 

Effective Date: 

This charter shall be effective upon approval by the founding members and may be revised as needed. 
